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1st Option's 1 Dollar Pledge
A portion of the proceeds of every radon test performed by
1st Option Radon Measurement and every home inspection we perform is contributed to one or more of the following Radon or Lung Cancer related charities:
CanSAR (Cancer Survivors Against Radon)
CRRR (Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction)
ALA (American Lung Association)
ACS (American Cancer Society)
AARST Foundation (American Assn of Radon Scientists and Technologists)
(Or another cancer related charity or organization dedicated to the effort to
eliminate avoidable radon exposure or help radon induced lung cancer victims and
their loved ones)
Since originally making the commitment in 2013, 1st Option has contributed over $11,000.00 to these causes. We encourage other radon professionals to join us -$1.00/ test doesn't seem like much but collectively it is making a positive impact. (By the way, in 2016
1st Option contributed $5.00 from each test to CanSAR and made numerous other donations to AARST activities.)
Encourage your radon professional to join the pledge today.
(or let us help you and get the best of both worlds)
1st Option has challenged all AARST members and NRPP certified professionals to join us and contribute at least $1.00 per radon test to a radon or other lung cancer related charity.



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